AXI IMMO / Investment land / łódzkie / powiat łódzki wschodni / gmina Brójce /
For sale multifunctional investment area near Łódź, central Poland
Area near the route A1 - 5 ha
The area is located about 20 km south-east of the central part of Łódź in te Brójce commune. Plots located about 3.5 km from the A1 motorway, and 7 km from the S8 route, which connects the agglomerations: białystok, warsaw, lodz and wrocław. An additional advantage of the area is a short distance to the airport Wladyslaw Reymont in Łódź. (aprox. 22km).
area covered by a local plan quick access to key roads in the region
poviat: łódzki - wschodni commune: Brójce A1 - 3,5 km S8 - 7 km Łódź - 22 km
Technical data
- Possibility of divisionTak
- Development planYES
- Maximum building area (%)60.0
- Minimum biologically active surface (%)20.0
- Possible activities according to Development planProdukcja, usługi komercyjne, handel wielkopowierzchniowy, magazyny, składy, trasport
- Offer IDd509
Droga ekspresowa S8
Łódź - centrum
Autostrada A1

Jacek Szkuta
Land Department Director