For sale plot in Ożarów Mazowiecki area near Warsaw, Poland - 3.5 ha
Land for service development for sale
The investment land is located in the Mazowieckie Voivodship about 23 km west of the center of Warsaw.
Undeveloped investment area Close to Warsaw Covered by a local plan
The area is located in a good location less than 1.5 km from the junction with the A2 motorway (junction Pruszków). One of the advantages of the location is also relation to Aleja Krakowska (Road Katowice-Kraków-Lodz-Wrocław - 10 minutes drive and 6.5 km from the entry to the S8 route - the southern ring road of Warsaw.
Technical data
- Possibility of divisiontak
- Development planYES
- Maximum building area (%)
- Minimum biologically active surface (%)30.0
- Possible activities according to Development planhandel detaliczny, usługi gastronomiczne, biura i pośrednictwo finansowe, kancelarie, usługi hotelarskie, rzemiosło, serwerownie, centra przetwarzania danych, a także publiczne i niepubliczne usługi poczty i telekomunikacji, usługi administracji, nauki, opieki, edukacji, oświaty, zdrowia, kultury, sportu, turystyki i rekreacji
- Offer IDd623
Węzeł A2
Droga krajowa nr 92
Droga ekspresowa S8

Jacek Szkuta
Land Department Director